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Supporting Documents

Year Date Type Who Notes Images
1884Jun 30BirthR Wilkinson 24 Hedley Hill, Hedley Hope (11 mi from Croxdale); William Wilkinson, coal miner; Elizabeth Fenwick view
1891Apr 5CensusMartha 110 Croxdale Colliery ; 4 rm house; Randolph 26, coal miner, Mary A 25, Martha 2 mos view
1891Apr 5CensusR Wilkinson 162 Park Terrace, Tow Law (11 mi from Croxdale); William 43; Elizabeth 39; Robert 6; John James 9; Charles Edward 14; Emily 18 view
1901Mar 31CensusMartha 17 Albert Terrace; Randolph 38, Mary A. 37, Martha 10, Ethel 2. view
1901Mar 31CensusR Wilkinson 30 Helm Park Terrace in Thornley Village ; William 53, coal miner; Elizabeth 49; Robert 16, shopkeeper (grocer) view
1908Nov 6Passenger ListR Wilkinson S S Corsican from Liverpool to Quebec arv Nov 14. 24 yrs old, married, grocer (crossed out) clerk. Last residence: Durham, Stradon (?) House, Darlington Road; final destination: Colorado, Lafayette ; Having a ticket to final destination: Denver; fare paid by: Father; money possesed: $22; ever before in US: no; relative or friend going to join: brother C. [maybe J.] Wilkinson, Box (?) 129 Lafayette Colliery; id marks: blind in right eye; born: Durham, England view
1910May 6CensusR Wilkinson Bear [burr] Hill Boulevard; Wash state, Pierce County, Wilkeson precinct; Robert, 28, arv 1908, coal miner, worked 24 wks; Katherine, 30; John F & William H 1 8/12, arv 1909; married 5 yrs; 3 births, 2 living; renting view
1911Apr 2CensusMartha Living with Aunt and Uncle A. A. and Margaret James. view
1911Apr 2CensusWilliam 9 people in a 4 room house. view
1911Apr 2CensusC Wilkinson William Huxley head, 60, pork butcher, own account (self employed, no employees); Hannah wife, 56; Catherine Wilkinson daughter 33; William Huxley and John Fenwick, grandsons, 2 1/2 years view
1911Sep 13MarriageMartha, William William: 4 Station Terrace, Croxdale, Sunderland Bridge; Martha: 8 Norman Terrace, Pittington. Copy created May 3, 1939. view
1912Sep 3BirthRobert Born at: Butcher Race , Tudhoe, Spennymoor, U.D. William: Colliery Deputy Overman (below ground) view
1912 Oct 12 Passenger List Randolph W Leaves Liverpool on Cunard Mauritania Oct 12, 1912 [one month, 9 days after Robert's birth]: Randolph Warburton, miner, 46, resident of England. Arrives NYC on Oct 18: Randolph Warburton, miner, 46, married, able to read and write, English, last residence Pittington, nearest relative: Mrs. M. A. Warburton, 8 Norman Terrace, Pittington [same address for Martha on marriage certificate]. Final destination: Boone, Iowa [in 1912, 554 mine workers in Boone] UK depart
UK pg 1
US arrive
1913 Mar 29 Passenger List Randolph W Arrives Liverpool on White Star Baltic from NYC [5 months, 17 days after leaving the UK] view
1914Apr 21Border CrossingR Wilkinson Applying for admission to US from Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada. Entered at Noyes, Minnesota . Robert, Catherine, John Fenwick, William Huxley. Last permanent addr: 774 Simcoe Street, Winnipeg . Robert: grocery clerk, nearest relative or friend in country of origin: father/father-in-law/grandfather William 50 Davy Street, Ferry Hill, Durham . Final destination: Canton, Ohio. Have ticket to Canton?: no. Passage paid by self. Amount of cash in possession: $170. Previously in US: Robert in Canton, departed US in Jun 1911; Catherine in Wilkeson, WA, departed US October 1910. Going to join: Friend: ?Nulia? Wharton, 1406 Garfield Ave, Canton . Marks of ID Robert: partial blindness right eye. Seaport of landing for Robert: New York, June 10, 1911 on SS Megantic; for Catherine: Halifax, February 15, 1912 on SS Tunisian view
1921Sep 24Passenger ListRobert, Martha, William SS Carmania leaving Liverpool for Halifax, 3rd class. Last address in UK: Hamilton Row, Waterhouses . Miner, housewife, scholar. 32, 30, and 9. Ticket # 49084 view
1922Feb 15Alien TransitRobert, Martha, William Aliens travelling through Canada on Grand Trunk Railroad Martha 1
Martha 2
William 1
William 2
1922Feb 15Arrival CardsMartha, William Last permanent address: Joggins Mines, NS; Destination and name and address of relative or friend to join there: Canton OH (Cousin) Robert Wilkinson 2348 16th Street; Seaport and date of landing and name of steamship: Halifax Oct 4, 1921 S/S Carmania Martha
1927Mar 9NaturalizationWilliam Machinist living at 2207 16th St SW; Name is Watkin, not Watkins; Witnessed by Emma Espenschied and Martha Friedman; Declared intention to become citizen on Oct 16, 1922 at Canton: Occupation Automatic Operator, Address 1527 Alden Ave SW view
1927Jun 10GraduationRobert Robert's grade school graduation certificate. Last name Watkins, not Watkin. view
1928Mar 21NaturalizationMartha Last name Watkin, not Watkins; 1444 Vine Ave SW; Stamp on reverse: Passport issued Mar 30, 1928 Front
1928May 30Passenger ListMartha, Robert Arv Liverpool May 30 via NY & Boston; White Star Line Celtic; Passengers: Martha, housewife & Robert Watkin, student; 3rd class; proposed addr in UK: 16 George St, Sherburn, Durham, probably Martha's parents' house. view
1928Sep 29Passenger ListMartha, Robert Leaving Liverpool for New York on White Star Line Baltic; Mrs Martha and Master Robert Watkins, Housewife and Student; traveling "tourist third cabin"; last addr in UK: c/o White Star Line, London; ticket # TTC1371 view
1928Oct 9Passenger ListMartha, Robert Martha and Robert Watkins arriving at NY, 10 days after leaving Liverpool. Martha naturalized at Court of Common Pleas Stark County, Canton Ohio March 21st 1928, Robert "by parentage". Address in US 444 Vine Ave. S.W. Canton Ohio (about 2 miles from the Timken plant) view
1930Apr 4CensusMartha, William, Robert Watkins now, not Watkin; 206 Dartmouth Ave SW ; home rented, $45/mo, have radio set; ages 41, 39, 17; Machinist at Roller Bearing Factory; veteran of W.W. Also William P. James, roomer: british citizen, 46 years old, married at 23, arrived in US 1929, carpenter for building contractor. view
1932Apr 29Troop TransportRobert The Republic left Fort Slocum, NY for Honolulu. Private First Class #6711840. About the ship. Troop List
Ship pic 1
Ship pic 2
1932May 17Troop TransportRobert The Republic arrives in San Francisco Cover Page
1933Oct 20DivorceWilliam, Martha This copy was created in Nov 1961. Who requested it? Was in Delores's safe deposit box. William is the plaintiff. pg 1
pg 2
1934Dec 4Appointment as CorporalRobert Document is dated Jan 15, 1935. Appointment is back dated to Dec 4th view
1935Mar 13Army DischargeRobert Issued at DD & R Depot, Brooklyn NY; Enlisted April 1, 1932 at Buffalo, NY; NCO: Cpl 12/4/24 to 2/12/35; Qualification in arms: Rifle Sharpshooter 6/7/33; Stamped with: Finance Officer, Brooklyn paid in full $88.81; Stamped with: Re-enlisted by me at Buffalo NY on 10 Aug 1936 for 3 years pg 1
pg 2
1937Nov 30Radio SchoolRobert Graduation from Radio Communication Course, The Signal Corps School, Fort Monmouth, NJ front
1939 TranscriptsRobert Monmouth Junior College transcripts 1st sem
2nd sem
1939Aug 9Army DischargeRobert 15th Signal Service Company; Discharged at Fort Monmouth, Oceanport, NJ; Qualification in arms includes "PSD", probably Protective Services Detail; Vocation: Radio operator and clerk; Enlisted Aug 10, 1936 at Buffalo, NY; Paid in full $200.00 front
1940Apr 3CensusRobert At 220 Mulberry St, Buffalo ; $22/month rent; Robert Wilkinson 55, head; Martha 49, wife; Frank 8, son; Robert Watkins 27, lodger; highest school grade completed: RW & Martha: 8, Frank: 1, Robert: H-1; where resided in 1935: "same house" for all. Worked during last week in March? Martha yes 40 hrs, RW and Robert no. Number of weeks unemployed through end of March: RW 152, Robert 16. Occupation: RW paper hanger, own business; Martha waitress in cafeteria; Robert radio, radio service. Number of weeks worked in 1939, amount earned: RW 24 wks, $500; Martha 52 wks $780; Robert 14 weeks $400. view
1942Apr 27Draft RegistrationWilliam Living at 1317 Wilson Place, NW ; Person who will always know your address: Beatrice L. Watkins, same address; Employer: Timkin R. B. Co.; Still using "s" on last name. front
1955Jul 20LetterR Wilkinson, Martha Living at 5280 Main St, Williamsville; From British Consulate re obtaining birth certs, etc. envelope
1964 Headstone PicWilliam Watkin, not Watkins view
1969Jul 22Power of AttorneyRobert Robert gave Delores power of attorney. cover document
1969Nov 25Death CertificateRobert Hospitalized for 21 days, had pneumonia for 6 days. view

City Directories

Year City Family Addr Res Notes Image
1916 Canton Huxley   Cambridge SW Huxley William [Eliza] laborer This is Catherine's brother - Bob Wilkinson's brother in law image
1918 Canton Huxley   1544 Park Ave SW Huxley William [Eliza] in U S Army image
1922 Canton Wilkinson   2348 16th SW Wilkinson Robert clerk W Huxley image
1922 Canton Wilkinson 2348 16th SW 1604 Alden Ave SW Wilkinson Robert [Catherine] grocer image

Robert Wilkinson Family

Age Year Date Event
21 1905 Oct? Robert marries Catherine Huxley
24 1908 Sep 4 Twins John and William born
24 1908 Nov 6 Robert Wilkinson arrives in US for first time, goes to Colorado
25 1909 ? Catherine and boys arrive in US for first time
26 1910 May 6 All four living in Washington state
26 1910 Oct All four return to UK, Robert returns to US early 1911, Catherine and boys stay in UK
27 1912 Feb 15 Catherine and boys sail from UK to Halifax and join Robert in Winnipeg, Manitoba, where they live for two years.
29 1914 Apr 21 All four enter US into Minnesota, on their way to Canton, Ohio. They are going to visit Minnie Wharton, who is Bob's niece. Minnie's mother was Emily Wilkinson, Bob's sister. Minnie eventually moved from Canton to Winnipeg, where she died in 1927. Emily died in Winnipeg in 1933.
30 1915 ? Daughter Hannah born.
35 1920 Mar 30 All five go to the UK for a four month visit.
45 1930 Sep 20 Bob's son William marries Helen Quass. They will have four children. William lives until 1994, Helen dies in 1991.
46 1931 Apr? Bob Wilkinson and Martha Watkins leave Canton, go to WNY. Martha is 40. Bob and Catherine have been married for 25 years. Their sons are 22 years old, their daughter is 16. On the 1940 census Catherine will report herself as a widow, while 25 year old Hannah lives with her and works as a stenographer in a law office.
47 1932 Jan 1 Frank Wilkinson born.
48 1933 Apr 17 Bob's son John Fenwick Wilkinson dies in Canton at age 24
49 1934 May 27 Bob's first grandchild, Barbara, is born in Canton to William and Helen. She will live until 1970.
56 1941 Feb 1 Bob's wife Catherine dies in Canton at age 63